Counter Culture Coffee is a specialty coffee roaster based in Durham, North Carolina, that focuses on ethically and sustainably sourced coffee. The company was founded in 1995 and has since grown to become one of the leading specialty coffee companies in the United States.
Counter Culture Coffee has training centers in cities across the U.S. and holds regular coffee classes and events.

Did you know that Los Angeles has a training center near Silverlake that holds regular events every Friday morning at 10 am? This time, I was invited by Counter Culture Coffee to participate in this very special Friday event!

This was a “Shift Coffee” event to support Women’s Against Gun Violence, which included a special drink tasting for the day and a direct talk from a representative of WAGV about their activities and gun control laws.
Especially in the past few years, we have been hearing more and more news about tragic incidents of guns happening in schools in the U.S., and women who are mothers are becoming afraid even to send their children to school in peace.
I’m not a mother yet, but when I think about if I had children of my own, my heart aches more than ever about the issue of gun control.

I would like to continue to participate in the activities of Couter Culture Coffee, which not only enjoys coffee as a beverage, but also connects people and communities through coffee, when the opportunity arises. I would also like to experience cupping and latte art classes someday!