Philz Coffee is the premium coffee chain from San Francisco, and it’s one of my favorite coffee chains in California.
Since I used to live in San Francisco, my friend introduced me Philz when I was still figuring out my life in foreign country. So I have many memories of this coffee shop.
Anyways, as you may know Philz Coffee focuses on their original customized blends coffee and also pour over. It means, you’ll first overwhelmed their tons of coffee blend selections, customize options, then you’ll also need to wait for a bit until your barista crafts your perfect cup of coffee. I recently use Philz Coffee app all the time whenever I decide to get coffee from Philz. It’s super easy and user friendly app, and you don’t need to wait at the store!
First View | Featured Drinks & Previous Order

If you know your favorite one, you can order your signature blend & customize one click. I tried Iced Coffee Rose above before, it was really good and nice hint of Rose.
Explore Their Blends

There are so many blends here but you can imagine which flavor or hints you want in your coffee from their descriptions. I like the naming too!
My favorites are, Jacob’s Wonderbar from Darker Blends, Silken Splendor from Medium Blends, Dancing Water from Lighter Blends.
Today’s Order Screenshot & How to customize

I got “Tesora” this time. I wanted to have something nutty & buttery! Then you can choose how you want to add your milk (mine says “Creamy” in the screenshot, you can choose from Light, Medium, None). If you choose “Creamy” they make your coffee like Cafe Au Lait since they don’t have any Cafe Latte type of espresso drinks.
You can choose milk option from some non-dairy options, non-fat option. Also you can choose Sugar or no-sugar.

Here’s my cup of that day!
Download Philz App from here.
Xo, Hibaru